Cole Field House | Cameron BES
Cole Field House | Cameron BES
Cole Field House | Cameron BES
Cole Field House | Cameron BES
General ContractorGilbane
TypeSports & Specialty
ArchitectCannon Design

Using the Art of Building Science To Advance the Science of Sport

For nearly half a century, Cole Field House hosted historic events that celebrated the best of sports. Now, a revitalized and expanded facility will raise that legacy to new heights. The new Cole Field House will be a REAL-WORLD LIVING LABORATORY where innovators, scientist, clinicians, athletes and trainers converge to advance the science of sport. The CENTER FOR SPORTS MEDICINE, HEALTH AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE will bring together leading researchers in neuroscience, genomics, biomechanics and other fields, from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, and the University of Maryland, College Park, onto the front lines of advanced study of the brain and nervous system. An adjacent ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC will bring leading-edge medical facilities to campus, allowing for the rapid translation of research into practice for the benefit of the entire community. Scope of Work The new Cole Field House will be a state of the art sporting complex that students can be proud of for many generations to come. That is why for this particular job the team from Cameron Building Envelope Specialist used a fluid applied air barrier throughout the entire facility to complete the job. In the recent decades, the building industry has become more aware of air leakage as a significant cause of condensation in wall assemblies. This condensation has been a significant factor in moisture damage to substrates, poor air quality and mold growth. This awareness has encouraged today’s development in the latest generation of liquid applied air and moisture barriers. These new liquid applied systems are utilizing a seamless cohesive system to better seal the building envelope from air leakage and moisture intrusion. By creating an airtight building envelope, problems that can occur as a result of air leakage, such as corrosion, moisture related decay, mold growth and indoor poor air quality, are better defended.

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