DateMay 5 2017
AuthorCameron Building Envelope Specialist

On April 20th, 2017 spray foam professionals from across the country that were seeking their certifications from the Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) gathered at Cameron Building Envelope Specialist Headquarters in Elkridge, Maryland. There were over 30 group participants in attendance during the three hour event. Attendees were broken up into teams of four to five members and worked together on simulated displays that provided each individual participating in the field certification training class exposure to real scenarios that they would face in the field on a consistent basis. The training sessions gave those in attendance the opportunity to learn from other experts in their field, and the chance to learn new techniques that were meant to be beneficial to help installers advance further in their careers.

The Spray Polyurethane Foam Certifications courses are designed so that experienced installers know how to create an air barrier using spray foam materials. Installers must have at least a minimum of 1,500 hours of direct hands on experience working directly with spray foam. Cameron Building Envelope Specialist Installer Daniel Alfaro masterfully displayed his skills and expertise as he proved to be one of the top specialists in his class.

ABAA Spray Polyurethane Foam certification training took place over a three day period with the first two taking place in a classroom environment and the final day taking place at an ABAA certified facility. For companies seeking to become ABAA Accredited Contractor, it is ABAA policy that each company have at least 1 person trained in an ABAA Installer Training Course and certified as an ABAA Level 3 Installer, and at least 1 person trained in the Quality Assurance Program Administrator Course.

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